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invisible woman中文是什么意思

用"invisible woman"造句"invisible woman"怎么读"invisible woman" in a sentence


  • 隐形女侠


  • " what the invisible woman does is curve 5 space around herself to bend light
    他说: “隐身女通过扭曲身边的空间来弯曲光线。
  • The invisible woman , one of marvel ' s " fantastic four , " hides behind a forcefield which guides light around her
  • The invisible woman , one of marvel ' s " fantastic four , " hides behind a forcefield which guides light around her
  • " what the invisible woman does is curve ( 5 ) space around herself to bend light . what these devices would do is to mimic ( 6 ) that curved space , " he said
    他说: “隐身女通过扭曲身边的空间来弯曲光线。所有这些装置都用于模拟被弯曲了的空间。 ”
  • But dr ulf leonhardt , a theoretical physicist at st andrews university in scotland , believes the most plausible 3 example is the invisible woman , one of the marvel comics superheroes in the " fantastic four .
用"invisible woman"造句  
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